Northiam C of E Primary School

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Chestnut Class

Welcome to the Chestnuts Class!

Chestnuts Class are a mixed Year 3 and Year 4 class. It is the transition from KS1 to more independent learning and more formal work in KS2, and also an opportunity for the Year 4 children to be role models. It is during this year that our children will grow in maturity and independence which will set them in good stead for the future years.

We will instinctively know when to use technology for specific tasks, but for others, know when more traditional methods are more appropriate.  We will develop a deep understanding about Mathematical concepts through hands-on activities and apply our knowledge using real life Mathematical problems: mathematical reasoning is the way to go! We will become confident, structured writers, developing more complex sentences, in a cursive handwriting style with accurate spellings that have relied on a variety of learning strategies.  We will read with care and understanding and speak with confidence and expression.

Please can you help by ensuring that your child reads 5 times a week for at least 20 minutes. Children will also be able to complete their AR quizzes at home and change books once they’ve completed these quizzes.

Times tables will be a huge part of LKS2. Year 3 children should know all their 2,5 and 10 times tables and we will be working on our 3s,4s and 8s. Year 4 will need to be familiar with all their times tables from 1-12. Children in Year 4 will be busy preparing for their times tables test during the summer term.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact the office to arrange an appointment.


This Week          


Term 4






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