Northiam C of E Primary School

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Welcome to our Governors section of our webpage.

Local Governing Board

Helping every child achieve their God-given potential

In January 2022, Northiam C of E Primary School joined the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust. Having been part of a federation we knew the benefits that working with other schools could bring, yet wanted to ensure we still kept the individuality of our school, serving our local community in the best ways possible. Our staff work together and across the academy trust to pool knowledge and expertise in order to produce challenging and exciting curriculums that support and inspire our children. The sharing of resources across the Trust also allows our school to benefit financially in terms of the opportunities that scale can bring. The trust and the Local Governing Board (LGB) ensures that our Christian ethos permeates through everything we do.

Our school is committed to the success of each individual pupil and aims to promote high standards of academic achievement and our LGB has a vital role to play in these ambitions and, with the Leadership Teams, they strive to ensure that the resources provided meet the needs of all pupils and their learning.

You will find out more about our LGB on subsequent pages of this tab but if you have any further questions about our role, please do get in touch.

Judith Koral
Chair of Governors 

Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust

We exist to provide a first-class option for schools choosing to become an academy. We currently have twenty two schools making up our Trust, each maintaining its own unique character and identity, serving its own distinct community.

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